
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Predicting the Outcome: The Romney Veepstakes

Today's gotta be short and sweet. So it's time to make another prediction.

Prediction #2: Romney will select Tim Pawlenty to be his running mate. (Sidenote: Intrade has this as 24.4% likely by the time of this post)


1. Two term governor with demonstrated executive experience

2. No ties to the Bush Administration (looking at you, Rob Portman)

3. Blue collar background provides a nice contrast with Romney's patrician upbringing

4. Loyalty (after he dropped out of the race, he threw his support behind Romney and has remained an enthusiastic surrogate)

5. Rob Portman doesn't have enough clout in Ohio to move the needle.

Supposedly, the shortlist is Rob Portman, Tim Pawlenty, and Bobby Jindal. I just can't see Jindal being the Republican vice presidential candidate. The dude is just...weird, even if he is an extremely capable governor.

Rob Portman has no national visibility. Nobody's heard of Rob Portman and he's just another boring white guy. Pawlenty is too, but he has the benefit of getting in closer at the ground floor (of Romneyland) and he's a former governor. Not a junior senator who served as a bureaucrat in the Bush Administration.

Accountability Department:

Predictions outstanding: 2 (Marissa Meyer, this)

Predictions vindicated: 0

Predictions erroneous:0

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